Abyss and darkness of whirlpool, acorn and unfolding self chained to matter from scintilla to gold, yoke as sun point glass, as prima materia and vessel heart of Mercurius, as sub rosa, subclimactic air, as a scale as sulfur under the rose. Under the scarab, the hoofed man, the scarab headed man, the woman bird, anthill opening to the underworld. The stag turned star turned mirror turned prison as secret fire. Mummy anthropos, Mummy and tropos. And apple into exile.
And anemone. White elephant, airplane, Ajax, with his daughter on his knee. Labidinal alchemy whitening the ashen dawn. Torpedo rose, and colors, and rose, in colors of feathers as stages of salt and sewing. The bear.
The bear's golden urine, devouring the unconscious blue flower, the blue flower changing filth into child's play. Yellowing the conjunction, incest as reanimation torpedo rain, as torpedo, as reddening dog of separation, and dawn, and depression, dissolution, understanding and returning to womb, drowning in the womb, blood vessel as makeshift flood vessel. A swimming eagle, and tears as an ascent up the staircase. And stages of vessels, and putrefaction. The brain as a cave, as chrome chrysalis, the anus, the lower mouth, kiss, the anus and grow ravens. An index of life and sunrise.
Dragon marriage as a convex fountain, as poison stone blackening. Purgatory antlers and dove castle, turning dead matter into chrome womb. In a room in the brain, rocking on the rocking chair. Aping Aphrodite.
Baby Venus monkey, the child of Eros and apple exile, and dove, and rose, and mermaids. Rabbits combing their sacred hair before burial. The gardener of dismemberment, peacock's esophagus, and the stone wolf, the orphan Ibis, born from the union of tree chance and city angel. The chaos cobra as primal rooster.
Material stored within mountain. The brain. The brain.
The cave. Arrows in the dark. Poison darts. The erotic monkey. Airborne as archery, in the dark, as putrefaction, in the dark, the worm in the stone, growing crows. Rolling up heavenly ravens in the vault of spider myth. And rose and trumpet and women's hair.
The beheaded elephant as mermaid.
Part 2
Strings. Circling the empty hole in the wooden body like vultures, circling the body, stretched across rocky cliffs. The cavern and the wooden body across vertical bone, hollow marrow, opal hats on pegs that hold in place the copper and nickel wound wire. Circling around the strings, pulled taut over vertical bone.
The moment the skin on the end of the fingers makes contact with the copper and nickel wound wire. It presses the string against the oak. Finger and wire tucked tight around the edge, sitting in a perfect position behind vertical nickel bar, embedded in horizontal Chestnut.
Cotton t shirt between armpit and wooden body. The s curve pressed into bicep. Under elbow. Loose wrist Django. Stretched over empty circle. Only the moment in direct proportion to its perfectness will sustain. The fingers placed on the ideal grid, responding to the call of resonance. This is my only means by which I can extend the life of a note. To stretch it across the swinging bridge on a windy day. To mitigate entropy with no effects built into the instrument. Only the wooden body.
No natural effects, unlike the piano, which contains within its natural body an artifice of extension, poised before a player with the will to extend the life of a note. No built in effects. No well. No warm and fuzzies. No plug ins. Only accuracy by the demands of the resonant cavity. The b string's been buzzy lately.
For years, I tried to force language to do what it couldn't do.The e string has been busy. Buzzing busy lately. Should I change my strings? It would be silly for me now to want to try to make the guitar into a piano.
Do you wish to be a piano? The guitar asked. If you open into the humming hole, is often a range of pitch that will catch hold and carry, through the entire body of the guitar, the entire life of a note.
Part 3
Snakes and dreams.
The dream that the old black dog Lucy had a snake head.
The head was squeezed with a violent pressure.
The snake bit Lucy's head, and Lucy's head became a cobra. Her cheeks hissing like a punctured ball. The fangs punctured her cheeks. Lucy's cheeks are biting down on my head. Lucy is biting down on her own head.
Lucy's ouroboros was deflating. I had to save her. She was attacking both me and herself. I released the fangs in dream, in the dream.
Without turning over the ancient dimensions, the bridge contains Exchange. The hand-off happens at the reverse apex of swinging bridge between the cliffs. The cliffs, the tree lined rocky cliffs on a windy day. The wind is a question.
What was the exchange that took place? What was transferred at the middle of the bridge? An infant multiplies its hands.
Syntactic foam. A non resonant phenomenon (the common failure point under tensile stress). To stave off implosion. Some of the particles do not become hollow and sink to the bottom of the ash dam. A non-evanescent light-beam propagates after emerging from the shadow-side surface of an illuminated microcylinder. Perturbing far field backscattered power. Photonic nanojets. Subdiffraction, nanopatterning, and nanolithography, low-loss wave guiding, and ultra-high density optical storage.
A protozoan child. Free living, organic matter; the first animal.
A single celled organisms with a membrane bound nucleus. Eu (you) meaning true or good, and karyon (carry on) meaning not or kernel (colonel, leader). The good kernel and the bad kernel. Beyond good and bad kernels. The hard kernel of the real, indigestible writing. Microspheres. Readers undigest. Microscopic spheres of glass. Manufactured hollow glass microspheres, microballoons, glass bubbles. Syntactic foam, lightweight concrete. Low thermal conductivity and resistance to compressive stress. Constructing the hulls of submersibles, deep sea drilling equipment. To keep them from imploding. Found in slow release pharmaceuticals, radioactive tracers. Filling for polymer resins, beneath fiberglass laminates on surfboards. Made by heating tiny droplets of dissolved water glass in a process known as ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. A substance added to the surface of hollow glass microspheres to increase the matrix/ interfacial strength (the common failure point under tensile stress).
Cenospheres: waste products in coal fired power stations. Small amounts of silica in the coal are melted. As they rise up the chimneystack, they expand and form small hollow spheres. These spheres are collected together with the ash, which is pumped through a water mixture into the ash dam. Some of the particles do not become hollow and sink to the bottom of the ash dam. The hollow ones float on the surface of the dam. When they dry, they become airborne, blowing into the forest. Photonic nanojets in whispering gallery mode. A narrow, high-intensity, non-evanescent light-beam that can propagate after emerging from the shadow-side surface of an illuminated, lossless dielectric microcylinder or microsphere. It is a non resonant phenomenon. Perturbing far field backscattered power. Photonic nanojets. Used for detecting and manipulating nanoscale objects. Subdiffraction resolution, nanopatterning, and nanolithography, low-loss wave guiding, and ultra-high density optical storage. Snakes are terrible fighters. Their only weapon happens to be in the same location as their most vulnerable and weakest body part.
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